Wednesday 16 December 2020

WOYWW #602: Advent Journal week#2

The days always go by so quickly before Christmas! One minute it's summer and now we're in the middle of winter - well, technically, winter still hasn't begun yet, but you know what I mean! My advent calendar tells me it's only 8 more days 'till Christmas and that's frightening and exciting in equal measure. I managed to get around to doing some Christmas shopping this week after realising that we had nothing to put under the tree! I even thought about wrapping up some fake presents LOL! I've got a nice little bundle now all wrapped and perhaps I'll buy a few more small things and we're all set. 

I know this sounds sad but I buy my own presents as well - but hey, at least I get what I want! One of the things I wanted was a typewriter! I can't put it under the tree though as I'm already using it. I've found the perfect spot for it in my office - I can just roll my chair to use it. My husband thinks I'm mad for buying an old typewriter, but there's actually a big revival going on people using typewriters for all sorts of purposes and nostalgic reasons. Apparently, Tom Hanks is a big fan - he's got a huge collection. Mine's a 1970's Olympia AEG Traveller de Luxe S - nice and compact and in perfect working order - it just needs a new ribbon. 

The main advantage of using a typewriter - for me anyway - is to be able to type on all sorts of surfaces that it would be difficult to print on eg, tissue paper, tea bags, old book paper, post-it notes, napkins, gelli prints, etc. The text is much easier to position in the right spot as well and of course you can't beat that authentic, imperfect typewritten look (complete with typos!) with a computer printout. I've used it several times on my Advent Journal pages already (as you'll see from day 10, which was the day I got it!). 

Day 9: Favourite song

Day 10: The power of love

Day 11: Evening lights (typo *radiant*)

Day 12: Who am I?

Day 13: Be brave

Day 14: Friends & Family

I didn't have time to complete yesterday's prompt (Contemplation) but I can show you the beginnings of my background sitting on my desk this morning. I'm thinking of using that angel die-cut for the focal image - we'll see...

I've received two lovely Christmas cards in the post - from LLJ and Shaz. I've studied them in minute detail so that one day I'll be able to make pretty cards too. My first challenge would be to tidy up the sticky mess on my desk - it's becoming a problem even for me! I love the fine, delicate lines and watercolour textures in LLJ's card and the expertly blended background and sparkly glitter in Shaz's! Notice how the green they both used is the exact same tone! Thank you so much ladies - your thoughtfulness is very touching (although LLJ was playing it down saying she was just foisting her cards on poor unsuspecting deskers LOL!) 

I hope I didn't keep you too long with my ramblings. Happy #602 and Happy Christmas preparations! xx


  1. Hi Zsuzsa!! I'd have a typewriter too if I had space, really want to spend my birthday money on a basic sewing machine (mainly for papercrafts obs! LLJ has no need to be concerned) but I can't figure out where it would go so it would get used. Great pages, I particularly like the first one. And of course agree with the sentiment wholeheartedly! I can't quite figure out the beginning/end/middle of winter thing but I do know that the shortest day is next week, so by next WOYWW we will be on the upward slope again which pleases me no end. Have a lovely week, stay safe, stay well, Cindy #26

    1. Ironically, the shortest day is the beginning of the astronomical winter! I always find it difficult to put my head around that as it feels like we're coming out of winter after that not going into it!

  2. Hi Zsuzsa. You have been BUSY! Well done on all your advent pages - you have done so well. We have been made confused recently haven't we, by the thought that we are already in winter. As far as I am concerned winter starts with the shortest day and goes through the three months until the spring equinox when the next season starts! I'm old enough to be able to stick with it...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  3. You’re too kind! Actually isnt’ it funny that Shaz and I used the same tone of green...we didn’t plan it, honest! I LOVE that typewriter, you’re going to have so much fun using it and it’s true, there’s something fab about the type it produces. Your journal pages are gorgeous, such deep colours, makes me happy!!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  4. ARGH. WHY does google mess up my commenting?? I am far too lazy to type it all in again. Blah blah blah, love the LifeBook taster sessions,. blah blah, love your art, every week! and LOL! cause I was just yesterday trying to work out how to lay my hands on a typewriter. Great minds and all that...But I think I might opt for a laser printer, with a typewriter font, so I can do other stuff and not worry about smearing with gel medium.

    Secretly, I am with you - I LIKE my own company and have plenty to do to keep me busy in my house. I have friends who really struggle and I try to support them, and if my son were living in the UK still I might feel different, but 2020 has sucked less for me than for many. Seems weird to say out loud. I wish we could keep the very few good things (like you mention, the whole working from home thing especially) and move on to a better 2021!

    Happy too close to Christmas WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

    1. I always save my comments just before pressing 'submit' in case this happens - it's so frustrating when you write a long comment and it doesn't go through! Glad you've made it though!

  5. Hi Zsuzsa, glad it arrived ok, and what a coincidence are those colours.LOve all those fab journal pages, and I can see you having hours of fun with your typewriter, what a great find. Stay safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #6 X

  6. OH WOW!!! A TYPEWRITER!!! I haven't seen on of those in YEARS!!!! LOL I love yours!! It fits just right!! I am not a big fan of typing on one, I have been so spoiled by a keyboard that I can IMMEDIATELY backspace and fix ALLLLLLLL those typos! LOL I did like one I used to type on in a medical office years ago and it was called a roller ball typewriter! It was my favorite! I still made mistakes, but I didn't have those lettered arms that pound away on the ribbon to contend with! It was just one big round rotating ball!! Even then you could see I was liking the advancement of technology! Spoiled rotten I am! LOL I LOVE your advent pages! 10 & 14 are my fave because of the beautiful intent and message. NOONE is a failure and we ALLL ought to live with love and in love with one another! Boy wouldn't our world be different if we all did! Anddddddd, I LOVE your desk!! I see a lot of yummy products that I have in my stash as well! Great minds! LOL Can't wait to see what you do with the angel. The cards were absolutely beautiful that they sent you! I feel you on the card making! I try, but then you can also tell! LOL Oh well, it's the thought that counts right??? My friend, I hope you and your family have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and one that is full of love, light, peace and joy! Many, many blessings come to you across the miles! Felicia

  7. I always enjoy your ramblings, as you call them, Zsuzsa! How lovely to have got a typewriter! I earned my living on typewriters for years, and bought my own very nice little portable which also earned me a few pennies before I embarked on the world of computers. I'm surprised you can still get ribbons for them. Perhaps the revival of interest in them is something like the craze for vinyl - a surprising number of young people who never experienced records in their heyday are now collecting them. There is something special about the real thing and hard copy, isn't there - something reassuring, and tangible, as after all, we are very tactile beings generally. We may see a revival in more old-fashioned "real" stuff if all this social distancing goes on much longer. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your typewriter and that we see more of it! Love your pages as always, and your gloriously messy desk, out of which so many beautiful projects emerge!

    Lovely cards you've received. We had a beautiful one from Shaz, too.

    Thank you for your visit. I enjoyed the tiny carpets project but after doing six of them, I felt it was definitely time to move on to something else. The cat crochet project is tremendous fun and I can't wait to start on the Persian Tiles. I used my new blender today and it was brilliant - much better than the old one. All those gadgets on display in my kitchen are pretty easy to wash up. The main part of the old bullet blender was not - it was an absolute pain, which is possibly one reason I didn't use it that much! The clean-up is definitely a consideration when thinking about getting new gadgets. I also have a Kenwood Chef, also out on another counter and that gets quite a bit of use, too. All the gadgets I've now got, and use regularly, are very good quality ones which are a pleasure to use, and that makes all the difference. They certainly help with the whole-food plant-based lifestyle.

    Happy WOYWW and have a great week,
    Shoshi x #21

  8. I'd love a typewriter for just the purpose you have yours - might have to keep my eyes open when i can face browsing shops! as always, lOVE the journal pages. I have very few presents to buy (luckily!) certainly no extended family. thanks for dropping by. Helen #2

  9. That's a fab little typewriter, and a great addition to journaling and mixed media etc. I still have mine and love it! Your pages are gorgeous and the typed text really does look good on them.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #22

  10. I have a typewriter, too! Typed sentiments look fabulous on cards!

    Your advent journal pages are awesome and the backgrounds are beautifully blended! Very nicely done!

    Chana Malkah, #34

  11. Now I feel quite sad seeing your typewriter. It's very similar to the one I had when I was in college between 1972 and 1975 and it was only about ten years ago that I let it go and now I wish I'd kept it. Loving your journal pages and the lovely cards too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x12x

    1. That is sad indeed! You can always buy another one, but you wouldn't have the same personal connection and memories attached to it. I wonder about the history of mine - who did it belong to and what did they use it for?

  12. I have a travel Corona, had it as a 14th birthday present and have ever stopped using it for odd bits and pieces. Lovely to have the slightly uneven text back on trend, I must say, and I really like the way you’re using it in your advent journal. Winter. Hmm, fortunately, this time next week although we’ll be in it, we’ll be working towards being out of it. Oh Lordy, sounds like Brexit!!

  13. Hi Zsuzsa, the typewriter brought back memories of when I was an office junior and attending the local college on a secretarial course. I did have a manual typewriter for many years, but goodness knows what happened to it. As always I love the colour and styles on your journal pages. Fab cards from Jan and Shaz - great green colour too! Thanks for stopping by, and your kind words on my quilts. Lots of love has gone into them, and I'm sure the boys will like them. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #30

  14. I too buy my own Christmas presents for hubby to wrap ~ In the beginning of our marriage he would fret so much about it that I just took the anxiety away and were both happy about it :) Your pages look terrific! ~ Enjoy your new typewriter and the holidays ~ love, Karen #32

  15. Late again.. naughty me, sorry lovely it's been quite a day with lots of rain and getting very wet on my care duty travels boooo!! I love your Christmas pressie, what a useful thing that will be. I too buy my own pressies, hubby throws in a random gift in every now and then but to be honest there is nothing I really need, especially this year. It's token gifts for each other and family too.
    Your journal pages are fantastic, love the glorious gold page, I hoping for some extra me days over Christmas where I can just have a much needed play.
    Sending creative WoywW Hugs your way Tracey xx

  16. Cool typewriter. Lovely advent journal pages. Merry Merry to you

  17. Great find with the typewriter Zsuzsa. I think we may have an early electric one up in the attic somewhere lol. Love your advent pages. Hope the preparations are finished soon. Meow to Oreo. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  18. I love all those pages, Zsuzsa! It is funny, we had two such typewriters at home many years ago, which we did not use any longer as we now all have computers. We gave them away, without thinking they could be good for art one day!

  19. Your advent journal is looking fabulous, Zsuzsa, and now I've got a severe case of typewriter envy! It's always a treat stopping by to visit...many thanks for your inspiring posts, my friend.

  20. Gorgeous pages there Zsuzsa! I love the look of the typed print and I had never really thought how useful it would be for different surfaces etc. A lovely post! xx Jo

  21. My Mum had a typewriter...and when we got her to change to a computer.. I caught writing her flower club minutes in a note book. 'Mum, use your new computer!
    'Oh..I can't,' she said, 'I still haven't worked out where the paper goes!'
    Love all your pages, so colourful! Have a great crafty weekend. Happy WOYWW!? Stay Safe,
    ((Lyn)) #24

  22. Great page Zsuzsa! A belated happy WOYWW. No you are not sad for buying your own presents at all. I even buy things and the say to my children “ Em, have you bought me anything for Christmas/Birthday yet” to which they reply “You bought something already have you?”. My presents get better and better 🤣. Seriously, I usually stick to the £20 mark as I am not too comfortable with asking. I have bought my own Christmas presents from my husband for years, and wrapped them too! You could give him a list, telling him which shelf the item was on and he would still comeback with something else! He is so difficult to buy for, bless him xx

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. HI Zsuzsa, loving your advent journal - those are great prompts and you've definitely given them your distinctive touch, beautiful pages full of gorgeous colour and texture and interesting details. Annie C #28

  25. My Advent Journal came to a sort of halt before I had done very much at all!
    Too much happening!
    I wonder whatever happened to my typewriter - such a good idea for page additions!
    Sorry I am so late commenting...
    Happy 602nd WOYWW!
    Stay Safe and Keep Well...
    Susan #23
    Calling All Crafters! – My personal Blog!


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