Well, I didn't plan to be so philosophical with this post, but at the end of the year we all inadvertently take stock, look back, evaluate and hope the following year will be good. Or at least, not bad. I'll settle for not bad. That's good enough for me! I don't ask for much.
I guess you're here to look at my desk for WOYWW. I had to clear it for the holidays, which allowed us to play a game of scrabble on Christmas day. I'm sharing a snapshot of this scene as there's nothing else of interest on my desk at the moment.
As you can see, Oreo decided to take part in our scrabble tournament and was almost able to spell 'steal' - one of his favourite words! I swear I didn't stage him on the table for the sake of the photo! I just didn't want him to feel left out, so I gave him some letters when he planted himself in that box.
I haven't done much in the way of arting during the holidays. If you remember my last post, I had run out of gel medium, which prevented me from binding my LifeBook. Luckily, I got it on Christmas Eve, so all my LifeBook pages are now permanently attached to scrapbooking papers. This sounds so easy but it was quite a big job! I made a cover and punched holes for the binding rings as well. Now I have to wait yet again for the rings to arrive, as the ones I have are too small. It is one heck of a chunky book! You can see some snapshots of it below. I'll do a proper flip through as soon as I can put it together, though I've just realized the rings I ordered are coming from the US, so it might be weeks before they arrive! If only I had been better prepared!
In the meantime, I had some digital play with my pages and made this video in After Effects. I used a template called Stairway of Memories" and just added my photos to it. Hope you like it!
I'm taking my son to the cinema this afternoon to watch the new Star Wars movie, so I might be a bit late with my rounds. Please bear with me and I'll get around to visiting everyone who leaves a comment eventually!
Wishing you all a wonderful 2016!