Wednesday 26 August 2020

WOYWW #586: Mini journal on a whim

I wasn't sure if I would be in a position to post today for WOYWW as I hadn't done anything up until the weekend and I didn't have anything projects planned either. Then out of the blue one night, I felt the need to smudge some paint around, which is how I ended with this: 

Not very exciting in itself, so I tore it up into smaller pieces, which always makes these backgrounds more appealing somehow. (The colours are a bit exaggerated in the photos.)

This probably would have been enough to share for today, but then - completely on a whim - I made a mini journal using one of these pieces as a cover and a left-over tea-dyed sheet of paper for the inside pages. Then I thought I'd better do a sample page inside and I couldn't stop myself until I had half the journal filled! So here are the pages I've made so far in a random order:

I have actually made a few other bits and pieces of art since, but I'd better keep them until next time. Instead, here's a quick shot of my little plant nursery on the patio - I will try and over-winter the coleus as the one we got last year perished in the first frost! It's a shame they're not more hardy. Poor plants got a bit battered in the winds last night, but no harm done. 

Thanks for visiting today! I'll be around today or later in the week. 
Happy # 586 xx


  1. Glad your plants survived the poor weather so far Zsuzsa. Love what you accomplished 'on a whim'. I wish I had a few more of those lol. Meow to Oreo, stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  2. Don't you think that projects that just pop into your head often turn out the best and are satisfying to work on? My sewing often works that way - if I know I have to do something (particularly if I don't like making it), the Crafting Gods just know and I always end up with a mess! Anyway, your journal is gorgeous and you can tell that you enjoyed creating it!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  3. Oooohhh, those colours! Those textures! I love your background paper ánd the little book you made. It's been ages since I was in 'a creative flow' myself, I'm jealous! Happy woyww, stay safe. Big hug from Holland, Marit #18

  4. Mini them and your papers are beautiful so full of gorgeous texture and detail. Glad your plants survived. For once I put my Bonsai trees on the ground and pleased I did as it was awful last night and loads of broken branches in the park today. You're right LLJ did say she thought I was doing an octopus. Have a great week and a very happy woyww, Angela x12x

  5. Love a coleus! What a gorgeous deep red colour!
    The pages - so glad you had a whim - what a whim it was too - lovely pages as a result and gorgeous colours which is what I love about your work.
    Loved seeing you carry on whimming (is that a word? No, well you understand it) and made some lovely pages for us to see. Am looking forward to next week too when we can see what else you did. Glad you saved some for another post.
    Hugs, Neet xx 7

  6. Oh Wow, I LOVE your mini journal and those gorgeous painty colours and textures, and all those beautiful stamps. What a wonderful creation on a whim - wish I had whims like that!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #15

  7. the mini journal is absolutely beautiful! good luck with your coleus - my cousin has been growing them this year and for her local garden she likes to visit as they can't get supplies from the council this year. Helen #1

  8. I'm loving your mini journal - it is so colourful and interesting with textures and items. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love and God Bless, Caro xx (#11)

  9. Happy WOYWW. I love those backgrounds, and the little journal is just gorgeous. I was looking through my journals a few days ago, and had forgotten how much I enjoy making them. Ali x. #30

  10. Ooooooh I love messy play too🤗 Your art work in the journal is fab and I bet you felt good afterwards. I think playing with paint in messy play should be on the NHS. Looking forward to seeing more of your art work.... Hugs, Sue #17 xx

  11. Wonderful ~ I love the mini journal you created ~ So many layers and things to catch your interest. Your plants look very happy and healthy ~ Enjoy your week.

  12. "I couldn't stop myself"- love it when that happens ♥ Very gorgeous wee book

  13. Sometimes I think planning is over rated - certainly when I was always 'planning' classes it was stifling my creativity. Just look what you did on a whim, it's gorgeous!! I love coleus as well, there is such a wide variety of colours and paterns. A real shame they aren't hardy. Stay safe, stay well, Cindy #14

  14. Hi Zsuzsa, I often find backgrounds don't look like much at first. Often,the right image really changes them into something special. Love how yours turned into a little journal, the pages look fab.I too love coleus, such a wide variety of colours, shapes and patterns. You can take cuttings too, they'll root in just water, so you can always take a few in case it doesn't survive. Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz` #3 X

  15. I love your mini book, Zsuzsa, and am excited to see more of it when you're done. Your use of those wonderful papers is outstanding!!!

    I love that coleus colour, too - drooling here! ;-)

  16. I just love your ad-hoc project, Zsuzsa - I know what you mean about it taking over! I usually end up staying up practically all night when that happens. The texture is lovely, really grungey, and I love what you've done with the pages. It's an adorable little book!

    Sorry to miss seeing Oreo this week. I always enjoy seeing what he's getting up to. I'm sure he's not as spoilt as Lily and Ruby though!!

    Thank you for your visit and your kind remarks! Lol! Not sure I'm quite up to a modelling career but I'm up for a single shot each week!! Looking at my wardrobe I should really be ashamed at how many clothes I've got... but I'm not!! I love them, and am always very pleased to get bargains - quite a few charity shop ones, Ebay, ethnic shops which are always cheap, etc. I do tend to hang onto things for donkey's years too, and I'm glad I have, with a lot of my things, because for years I couldn't get into them, and now they are getting a new lease of life. I got the idea of doing the weekly photo shoots from another blogging friend (Vix - she comments on my blog) - she's got loads of awesome ethnic stuff and an interesting lifestyle too.

    I don't think any of our friends would be offended by something like the raspberry joke. We're all pretty laid back and fun loving. My hubby has put me on a spot today though - he went to church and there's someone there who's always up for a good laugh, and my hubby has a huge lump on his forehead where he fell over yesterday and he told this friend I'd hit him with a frying pan!!! Of course, this friend believed him. Oh well, I can live with that. Maybe next time I go I'll take the frying pan complete with a blood stain to show him...

    Those tubs are great, because for most things they hold the right amount for one meal for the 2 of us. I have some bigger ones too (twice the size) for dishes that already have pasta mixed with them. I usually decant the contents into bags once they are frozen solid as this takes up slightly less room in my freezer which is always stuffed!

    Have a great week, and happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #8

  17. Gorgeous mini-journal - you have given me ideas...
    Sorry I am so late visiting!
    Stay safe, keep well...happy WOYWW, Susan #19

  18. great backgrounds and you are right they always have more appeal smaller. Love your mini journal Angela #29

  19. I'm very late this week! Better late than never I guess! Isn't is wonderful when ideas just kind of find you and slap you around and make you make beautiful things, your papers and little journal are awesome!! Lindart #24

  20. Your mini journal is absolutely beautiful! I especially like the African stamp with the elephant.


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