Hello dear Deskers! I've got loads to show you today, so I'll cut to the chase. My deskshot was actually taken last week before I set out to work on my new projects, but I wanted to show you my new toy - call it an early Christmas present!
I bought a Fire HD 8 tablet on Prime Day for just £44.99! - it was an impulse purchase and I never realised how much I needed one! It will not replace my well-loved 10 year-old Kindle, but it's so much more than an e-reader! I can finally follow artists on Instagram (the app never worked on my phone); I can use Zoom (will be joining the Crop!); I can watch videos on the exercise bike (otherwise I would get bored out of my wits pedalling away for hours); and I can play games as well. OK, so I got a little hooked on the Harry Potter Puzzles and Spells game - it's great just don't spend any money on boosters!
Also on my desk, some new alcohol inks. I played a little over the weekend with the same stencil I did last time. Here are the fresh prints (the colours used were denim, cranberry, rust and patina) and I also realised I get nice results if I pull them with a metallic paint like gold or copper instead of white!
Now onto my main projects this past week: I took part part in
Laly Mille's Artist Soul Retreat free workshop. It was fun seeing some of you in the FB group! The first workshop taught us how to make an inspiration journal, kind of like a mood board, gathering elements that inspire us. These are just temporary arrangements that keep changing as you remove and add bits with masking tape. I will definitely continue with this practice as I found it very useful. Here's my first spread:
Then in the second workshop we used our elements to create abstract landscapes. Mine don't actually look like landscapes, but I was still very happy with them. I might have another go at this as it was a such an enjoyable process.
The third workshop prompted us to create a canvas with a grid. This was my first time working in grids and it was an real eye opener! I will definitely use this technique more often!
I was so inspired by this method that I ended up creating something similar on a piece of scrap paper - it was just a piece of my gelli print clean up sheet, ordinary copy paper. I started playing with it and before I could stop myself, I ended up with this:
Just don't ask what "Zimbabwe leather products" have to do with this - I only used that postage stamp for the visuals LOL! So there you have it - a very creative week indeed - and I feel so energised and inspired! Just before I go, here's a photo of Oreo I took yesterday - I think he looks so funny with that expectation on his face "Let me in"! Of course, I let him in straight after taking this photo!
That's it folks - hope to see you around! If I can't visit everyone back today, I'll do so during the course of the week. Happy WOYWW everyone and don't forget the
virtual crop on December 5th!
Finally one that I can easily attend!