Wednesday, 14 April 2021

WOYWW #619: Clock faces on teabags, leaf prints with alcohol inks and snow in April!

Lots of photos today, so I'll cut to the chase. A bird's eye view of my very messy desk - it's getting to the point where it's no longer serviceable, so a partial tidy-up will be required, leaving enough scraps lying around for inspiration. We all know what happens if I clear my desk completely - it stifles my mojo, but an unmanageable amount of mess has the same effect, so it's kind of a fine balancing act between the two extremes. This photo shows my desk while I was working on my next batch of tea bags for #the100dayproject. 

And here are the finished pieces - I decided to use some clock faces for these. They might look familiar to some of you as they were leftover prints from my 2019 ATC swap and a perfect size for my tea bags. 

I've also done some gelli printing with alcohol inks for the Mixed Media Emporium FB Group challenge. The theme this week is Leaves/Flowers. I first wrote about this process here where I used alcohol inks on a gelli plate with stencils. It's pretty much the same process with skeleton leaves. If you click on the photos, you'll see the definition of the veins in more detail! 

What's with all the snow on Monday? Did you get any? Thankfully it disappeared by mid morning  but I was in a bit of a shock when I woke up and saw this:  

Happy WOYWW! Nice and sunny today! xx


  1. Crazy weather ... but what a gorgeous photo. Absolutely love the effects you achieved with the leaves. Actually I think I like all your projects. Have a creative week,
    Sandra de

  2. Love the effect you have got with the skeleton leaves and the gel printing with alcohol inks Zsuzsa. Love the latest tea bag art too. Wee didn't have anywhere near that amount of snow at the weekend thank goodness. Meow to Oreo. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  3. I can see why those clock faces are so suitable for ATCs, they’re fantastic and I adore those skeleton leaves, the alcohol inks give them a sort of sheen which is beautiful. You are v v v clever! You had way more snow than we did, only a few flurries here but it was cold. Apart from one day of rain, we’ve had the most glorious if chilly couple of weeks.
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx


  4. I really love your clock faces....the colours of each one is stunning.
    It’s been a manic morning here with more wedding dress and bridesmaids dress fittings and then of course they need the sewing doing 😀😀😀
    Annie x #13

  5. No snow for us down south thankfully! To put your mind at rest I don't drive one handed, my left does all the gear changes and moving the steering wheel and the right just holds it there so it's not a movement that triggers any pain thankfully. I love your clock tea-bags - was it a patterned paper that they came from? The prints from the leaevs are amazing too. It looks like they are real leaves that have started to break down in the rain. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #8

  6. I woke BEFORE the snow came and the sunrise was pink all round, then the next minute big fluffy flakes were floating down seen through my window. Super clocks and leaves this week, never got a gelli plate myself, love seeing all your experimentation though. Thanks for the visit BJ#20

  7. I had a 35 minute walk to work in the snow.... luckily by home time it was sunny! I love your clock faces and also the leaves - I really must use my gelli plate one day! Have a great week. Helen #2

  8. I'm late today as we've been sorting mum's second vaccination and hearing test so at least we've got that done. Your art work is always a pleasure to see. The weather has been up and down here too but guess it's normal for the time of the year. We had the weather on Sunday but it was more like Hailstones that we had. Have a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x17x

  9. Your latest batch of teabags is absolutely fabulous, Zsuzsa! I love the clock faces, and the white spattering which really sets them off. Great work. As for your leaves, they leave me drooling - utterly gorgeous and such lovely colours. Your mojo is definitely in evidence!

    Thank you for your visit - I laughed at the "heart bum" haha! I am glad I've redone that apple-heart because I was never happy with it, and like the proper heart a lot better.

    Ruby is funny on the rocks in the rockery. She sits and watches the birds, and does look somewhat statuesque! As for their socks, Ruby has proper little knee socks, with a "dirty" patch (or perhaps it's a hole) on the back of the right one - a little oval of grey. Lily's socks are only pulled up at the front - she's got a lot more grey on the backs of her legs. Ruby has more white on her than Lily - I love her little white nose. Sitting with their backs to you it's quite hard to tell them apart.

    Sorry to hear you get headaches too but glad they are in abeyance at the moment. I tend to get phases of headaches, and the last major phase took me to the doctor but nothing he gave me made the slightest bit of difference. Eventually they just stopped again. I think those are really ME headaches but they are generally localised on the left side which is migraine-like. They are nothing like as debilitating a the migraines I used to get when I was young. The one I had the other day was the worst forages and I was scared at the time because the last time I felt faint like that was when I was going down with sepsis due to a major post-operative bacterial infection and I wondered if history was repeating itself. A visit to various migraine websites was reassuring when I discovered that fainting can be associated with migraine. A new experience for me!

    I couldn't agree more about the BBC. Outrageous all round. Their conduct towards certain individuals who have tried to expose them is actually criminal, and nothing is done about it. It's good that there's a lot more publicity about what's going on now and people are waking up and fighting back. Let's hope Ofcom allows Andrew Neil the freedom he needs to produce a really decent news channel in GB News. UK Column on YouTube is another first-class news channel and it's very disturbing what they are revealing at the moment about the current situation. Their "No Smoke Without Fire" series is a must-watch.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #18

  10. Loved seeing the "in process" and finished clock faces. They look fabulous. And the leaves are also wow. I am heading into some school holidays next week. Looking forward to my mojo being a bit more in evidence without work to distract me!

  11. I *love* this batch of tea bags, Zsuzsa, and your leaves are fabulous too! Snow in April made at least this wonderful picture possible. I hope spring has come back though with some sunshine! We finally have some rain here that is urgently needed.

  12. Your tea bags are simply stunning and I cannot WAIT to see the whole collection as an overview. I would kill to see them in real life, they are so amazing. Alcohol ink on the gel plate is super fun and I also adore your leaves. The snow by-passed us, thank goodness, although my knitting friend showed me a shot of the fields near her (like 4 miles form here) and it was a totally different story! Crazy weather, and getting worse...
    Socially distanced knitting in the garden yesterday so TODAY is WOYWW for me!
    Mary Anne (3)

  13. Yes, we had heavy snow too. Looked quite lovely but then when I looked out again it was gone which surprised me as it seemed such a thick carpet of it.
    Love the clocks but I love anything to do with time in mhy stamping (funnily enough have just done my journal post and mentioned that 'time' inspires me) that is not to say yours are not beautiful. They are and I really do like them very much.
    Also the AI and the leaves - must go back and check your other blog post to read all about that process.
    Have a lovely week, do not tidy up and stifle your creativity - I enjoy seeing it too much.
    Hugs, Neet xx 4

  14. The weather really has been mad. I missed some of it by being in Somerset and to answer your question - yes that is my Mum's garden. She and Dad bought the house and 5 acres of field nearly 50 years ago, and gradually turned the house back from very run down flats into a lovely home, and the fields into a garden. Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15)

  15. Hi Zsuzsa, I don't have time to join in with WOYWW properly at the moment, but just catching up as and when I have a minute - see what I've been missing! your teabags are totally gorgeous, love the backgrounds, they set off the clock faces perfectly and the words you've used - did they come from books? The alcohol gelli printing with the leaf skeletons looks beautiful - that technique has been on my list to try since I saw the ones you did with stencils, they were beautiful too. Anyway, have a great week and I'll catch up properly soon. Annie C

  16. I'm loving the new tea bag pieces, Zsuzsa...there's something about the clock faces on them that just gives that 'wow' factor. And those alcohol prints? I'm drooling over your results. I've found that technique to be really iffy, but also outstanding, so now you've inspired me to do more. Glad your snow didn't last - it's waaaaaay too late for waking to that!

  17. Love love love those teabag clocks!! Just scrummy! Filing away those gorgeous leaf prints as well - I'm working myself up to a gelli session, but I have to be in the mood! I haven't tied alcohol inks with the gelli yet siot his will be a new one for me. That looked like a serious amount of snow, glad it didn't last too long. Crazy year, crazy weather!! Have a good week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindyxx #12

  18. Fabulous art work and lovely photographs of the snow too. A feast for the eyes! I am deciding on what to take in the caravan and I was thinking about my geli plate, which I haven’t used yet. I could limit it to a few colours and stencils - not that I cam very good at limiting! Hugs Angela #9

  19. Well, I love the base work on the teabags, and then didn’t recognise them with the clock faces on, they look completely different! a what a fascinating set these are making and I bet you’ve learned loads about using teabags as a base material. The weather has been crackers and to be honest, making me cross! I didn’t get such gorgeous photos as you Szu, but I probably didn’t get out of bed as early, I was in a huff!!

  20. Love your desk and beautiful pieces of art!
    The snow pics are pretty amazing too.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #26


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